Ways to Participate

This list provides a sense of the many different ways that we serve each other to help keep All Saints an active and vital place.

  • Acolytes — Primarily a youth ministry (but open to all), acolytes light candles, carry the cross and sometimes assist the priest.
  • Adult Forum — Sunday morning Adult Forum focuses on deepening our understanding of scripture and the church, but we also welcome special presentations and suggestions for guest speakers.
  • Altar Guild — Prepares the church and altar for worship each week.
  • Building and Grounds — Help the Junior Warden with various tasks to maintain the property (check alarm systems, change light bulbs, etc.)
  • Canterbury Campus Ministry — Our outreach to students at St. Olaf and Carleton. Opportunities include organizing activities, providing treats, inviting students for meals, etc.
  • Chalice Bearers — Serve wine at the altar during communion with the cup or cruet.
  • Choir/Music — We plan to resume our choir in the fall; anyone is welcome to participate. We also welcome anyone who would like to occasionally lead the psalm or provide instrumental music.
  • Coffee Hour Hosts — Start the coffee machine and provide refreshments after the service; it can be as simple or elaborate as you like!
  • College Drivers — Provide transportation to St. Olaf students before and after Sunday services when school is in session.
  • Finances — Assist the Treasurer with financial tasks (counting offerings, making deposits, etc.)
  • Flower Guild — Ensure that there are fresh flowers in the church each Sunday.
  • Funeral receptions — Manage reception details and food when All Saints hosts a funeral.
  • Garden Club — Maintain the plantings around the church, as a group during seasonal work days and individually throughout the year.
  • Green Team — Explore opportunities for All Saints to be a better steward of natural resources, and provide education about environmental issues.
  • Greeters — Welcome people to services, distribute bulletins, collect the offering, and assist with directing people to the altar for communion.
  • Intercessor — Read the prepared Prayers of the People during the service.
  • Kitchen Angels — Meet occasionally to clean, restock, and identify any repair or equipment needs for our kitchen.
  • Lectors — Read a scripture lesson from the pulpit during the service.
  • Livestream Tech — Manage the cameras and sound for streaming our Sunday services online. Not nearly as complicated as it sounds.
  • Office Angels — Provide building hospitality by being present in the church office for a couple of hours each week to greet visitors and do occasional office tasks.
  • Outreach — All Saints participates in a variety of community service projects. You can join the Outreach Committee to help organize this work, or just come to a publicized opportunity.
  • Sunday School — Help to plan and teach programs for our children; opportunities vary depending on the season and the number of children in our community.
  • Vestry — The governing board of the parish. Members are elected in January for one to three year terms, and meet monthly to oversee the work of the church.
  • Women’s and Men’s Groups — Help to organize social events a few times a year.
  • Youth Confirmation — Help with education and other activities for our youth preparing for Confirmation.
  • Youth Group — Our youth meet occasionally for social events and service projects. You can provide a meal, help plan or chaperone events.
  • Something Else — You have gifts and talents and ideas that could help us do new things we haven’t even thought of.