Our Search

Our beloved priest of sixteen years recently retired, and we’re looking for someone to join us on our next adventure. We’re currently seeking a Priest-in-Charge at 70% time, and invite qualified clergy to contact the Bishop of Minnesota for more information.

All Saints has been a foundational presence in the center of this vibrant college town for over 160 years. The 2014 renovation of our historic church has allowed us to open our doors wider to the larger community. Our hearts are open to all and we welcome new opportunities to grow in God’s love.

What do we love about All Saints?

The genuine sense of welcome for all, whether you’re here for a week, a year, or a season of life; the care for each other and feeling of family created by seeking God together.

The stability and richness of our Episcopal liturgy, conducted with care and joy, joined with excellence in music and participation to enable meaningful worship week after week.

Our lived commitment to outreach to our extended community, in Northfield and beyond, as well as our regionally recognized efforts to care for God’s creation with our facilities and our practice.

What are our dreams for the future?

To explore new ways to share our Way of Love in Northfield, to reach those who can find shelter, grow, and be fed in the kind of community All Saints offers.

To welcome children and youth and prepare them for living Christian lives in a rapidly changing world.

To sustain an emphasis on learning and growing in faith, within our congregation and with our student neighbors at St Olaf and Carleton colleges.

To continue to welcome and empower new leaders within our parish and our community

To continue our growth toward greater financial stability, that we may have more to share with those in need.

Who are we looking for?

We are seeking a priest steeped in the practices and values of the Episcopal Church, as expressed in The Book of Common Prayer, with history, tradition, and reason as a foundation for the church today and for the future.

We seek a priest with a centered prayer life grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christand a deep love of liturgy and music. We hope for a priest who loves to teach and preach, connecting the word of scripture to the concerns of God’s people today, inspiring us to be disciples doing the work that God has given us to do.

We seek a priest with outstanding communication skills, listening, speaking with clarity and concision, showing engagement and interest verbally and non-verbally with people from all walks of life.

We seek a priest whose character demonstrates gentleness, kindness, and friendliness; a priest who acts with intelligence, positivity, confidence, and empathy, while operating with respect, an open mind, and an ability to meet people where they are on their journey.

We seek a priest who is committed to providing pastoral care for all, for those who request it and for those who need it.

We seek a priest who will be present with us in the wider community, serving alongside us and representing us in Northfield and with our college ministries.

Last but not least, All Saints seeks a priest with a creative imagination, an appreciation for the gift of joy and wonder in all God’s works, and with a Spirit-led commitment to helping the parish plan for those who are yet to come while modeling a collaborative and visionary presence today.

If you are ready to sow seeds of faith for future generations, while connecting with the faithful parishioners of All Saints, and to reach out to our wider community for growth, then we are ready to welcome you home. We pray for you in your discernment.